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Temp Your Way to the Top

Starting a new job can be a daunting prospect and often the fear of the unknown outweighs the excitement of a new beginning. We understand the magnitude of the commitment and the stress that goes with any new job.

To be fair, the start of a new working relationship can be just as challenging for employers. They share many of the fears of the new employee, but simply from the opposite side of the coin. For instance, will the new addition be a good fit with the DNA of the existing team, and will he or she share the ethos and work ethic of the company? These are aspects that are difficult to accurately assess during a conventional interview.

Interestingly, we have seen a trend emerging that alleviates the risks and perils concerning all parties contemplating a permanent placement. We are increasingly finding that temps who embrace the opportunity to shine in their temporary positions are being offered permanent roles. In the prevailing market, we have seen a 30% increase in temporary assignments being converted into permanent positions.

There are several reasons we’ve noted behind this shift. As we’ve seen over the years, temps are often given opportunities in industries and fields that they might otherwise never have been exposed to or considered. Interestingly, there appears to be less perceived pressure to perform among temps, and most appear to embrace and enjoy the experience wholeheartedly from the beginning. This significantly reduces the fear of the unknown they may have experienced if hired on a permanent basis from the beginning. Temp employees also have the benefit of the working experience to help them evaluate if the permanent position is a good fit for them. Working for a company for a short term gives talent valuable insight into the working environment, the job’s demands and the company’s ethos, before committing to a long-term position.

For employers, there are massive advantages in hiring temps as well. They have the benefit of evaluating a talent’s output, skill, and chemistry with the rest of the team first-hand. In the job market, making an unsuitable appointment can be costly and have a negative impact on team and customer moral. Hiring a temp effectively allows employers to ‘try’ prospective talent out, before offering a permanent position.

Traditionally, temping has been viewed as a means-to-an-end rather than a great path for professional growth. Now, temping is very often the door that leads to outstanding and unexpected opportunities.

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